This is a Porsche preview video for the GT3. Instead of the usual external shots of the car, they mounted a camera in the passenger seat and gave people rides. Great perspective. One of my favorite shots is when the people look over to see how fast they’re going.
Without a doubt, I’d be one of those with the full on frightened look on my face. The video would go viral if it was me…forget the Star Wars Kid, Paul Rides Shotty On Closed Track would be golden.
This is quite possibly my all time favorite car. I think if I were in the video you would see anger directed at the driver. I guess it would be more jealousy than anger. The whole tim eI would want to be driving!
Haha, looks as if those people were just on a scary roller coaster ride. Love the ladie who covers her mouth, reaction.
That would be one fun ride. I love roller coasters and I know I would like a ride around a road course.
Awesome! The wife (who grew up with Porsches) really liked this one too. Glad I can watch videos at home (I miss them all at work).