Weekly Porsche Wrap

Here are a few Porsche related posts I read over the last week that I found interesting.  All of them are worth a read!

4 Steps to Winterize Your Porsche
John over at 993c4s.com (soon to be PorschePurist.com) had a great post on winterizing your Porsche.  If you live in an area with heavy winter weather, his tips will help you keep your baby safe and sound.

on a tangent – 993
I found this post over at Renntech.org interesting because it documents the initial experience (and expense!) of purchasing a used 993.

Porsche is one of the Greenest!
Not earth shattering, but an interesting short article and timeline of Porsche’s efforts to have a positive impact on the environment over the years.

VW could build Porsches in U.S. – Not current news, but I had no idea.

That’s all I have for last week…


  1. Phil Schneider says

    you can never be too careful with your baby

  2. No one ever said owning a Porsche would be cheap. There are definite maintenance costs to keep it running in top shape.

  3. greenest?great news!