Hide-A-Porsche: Ultimate Underground Parking

A solution to the “Where do I park my Porsche?” question has been developed by a fella living in west London. It’s a combination of a hide-a-key and car lift like you’d find in your garage to park more than one car in a single bay. I call it the Hide-A-Porsche. Have a look:

Now of course there are a million potential problems, not the least of which is potential flooding, but this is pretty dang cool. Kind of a Batman/James Bond thing that actually solves a real problem for where to park your car(s).

I thought of a couple of ways to enhance this even more. First, add another five feet to the width and length and have workspace that disappears with your car. A “project in the ground” type of thing. Second, instead of just one car tall, while you’re digging, why not add a second or even third level and make it like the lifts you find in a garage. That way you could have several cars in the same footprint. When you want to drive car #2 for instance, just rise it up to that level and off you go.
[Via TreeHugger.com]


  1. Wow, that is really cool. When I get a Porsche I am totally going to install one of those. But I’m gonna do some cool 70’s bead action around the outside.

  2. I’ve actually seen this technology put to use in big city parking garages. Awesome idea to put it to use for residential purposes.

  3. That’d be best if it went into an underground garage that housed all of ones cars so they wouldn’t have to store all the cars at a storage facility.

  4. This undergound parking system already exist in the U.S. It’s called the PhantomPark, which is the only American made subterannean scissor style parking lift and is also the only subterranean parking scissor lift that is built to exceed ANSI standards. You can learn more about it by clicking on the following link:

  5. Thanks Brad. Great looking lift. I actually like the approach of building it into the garage. Very smart and an even better design given that 95% of us have garages. I’d love to see one in person sometime.

  6. Just requested a quote on the lift’s website, amazing.

  7. Joe, you should check out aclifts.com. I’ve been in contact with Brad over there (see his previous comment on this post) and we’re hoping to actually get a chance to see one of these installed on Monday. They have an awesome product called the PhantomPark. Sounds and looks amazing on the site. If you haven’t talked with him, hit him up for a quote.

  8. That is sweet. That is such a cool idea I can’t believe it. I can see so much potential for this idea. The only issue I can think of would be the cost, but other than that I would totally do this.


  1. […] are a lot of takes on the garage. Everything from underground parking such as Hide-A-Porsche: Ultimate Underground Parking, to houses built to showcase and provide lots of space for your exotic rides like A Car […]