Porsche “Insider” Newsletter


Alright, maybe this isn’t REALLY an insiders newsletter, but I DO like getting an email from Porsche every month. Makes me feel like I’m in the know. James O suggested I throw this out there in case you don’t know about it already.

It’s a little newsletter Porsche puts out every month that has some great Porsche pictures, news stuff and usually some kind of informative piece or two. To be honest, it’s worth getting just for the pictures.

Sign up for the newsletter here: Porsche Newsletter Subscribe.


  1. Well, now that you’ve both let the cat out of the bag you’re not going to feel so exclusive anymore. 🙂

  2. This picture here is itself nice!

  3. Yeah but I’m going to keep the link to Prius Perfect to my self.

  4. Oh James, do share! 😀

  5. The Hyundai Tiburon newsletter is also a fascinating read, I highly recommend it