Porsche Giveaway Update

We’ve drawn a new winner…….BUT……..the video isn’t ready yet. It likely won’t be up until tomorrow. Don’t worry though, Brock won’t be harmed in the making of the video (or at least I hope he won’t be).


  1. Ryan, have you always been such a procrastonator, allthough I guess I wouldnt be in much of a hurry to turn over the keys either.

  2. And the winner is Tyler J.

  3. I can’t believe I won that really cool car! THANKS YOU GUYS! (did I ruin the surprise?)

  4. Ryan, is it a winner who is going to claim the prize this time?

  5. haha, all this work for a porsche

  6. Kristina Brown says

    Of course it would seem only fair that you draw a girls name this time!

  7. so, im assuming because you havent posted the video yet, you havent informed the potential winner yet, either?

    PS – any chance your email will come written in chinese, lol? im
    getting a lot of those in my spam now. just want to make sure….

    • @mitchell – Nope, not in Chinese. If it were coming in another language, it would be German, but it’s not. And no, the winner hasn’t been notified yet.

  8. Anxiosly awaiting the video… Been out for a couple of days because I got back surgery, so I am very excited to see who will win.

  9. Ryan said “no the winner hasn’t been notified yet”

    …take THAT, fat willie